Society Programme in 2019

8 January 2019Britain's European Neighbours - maximum 15 sheets
22 January 2019Material obtained in 2018 - maximum 1 frame
12 February 2019Visit from the Maidenhead & District Philatelic Society
26 February 2019Quiz Night
12 March 2019Finland at War - Mike Elliott FRPSL
26 March 2019 Chairman's Evening
9 April 2019Informal Competition - Postcards and/or Cinderella
23 April 2019Allied Occupation of Austria 1945-1955 - Colin Tobitt FRPSL
14 May 2019The Items Speak for Themselves - maximum 15 sheets
28 May 2019Club Auction
11 June 2019Club Competition, Open Competition, Displays and Bourse
25 June 2019On the theme of Holidays - maximum 15 sheets
9 July 2019The Steam Railways of New Zealand - Lorraine Maguire
23 July 2019Annual General Meeting
13 August 2019The Number '7' - maximum 10 sheets or 20p
27 August 2019Bourse
10 September 2019Dominica - Simon Richards FRPSL
24 September 2019New South Wales - Graham Keates
8 October 2019Irish Postal History - Stan Challis
22 October 2019Visit from the Henley & District Philatelic Society
12 November 2019South of the Equator - maximum 15 sheets
26 November 2019Club Auction
10 December 2019Christmas Social and Seasonal Displays

Copyright © 2019 Wokingham & District Philatelic Society
Webmaster: Mark Bailey
Last Updated: 17 December 2019

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