Society Programme in 2014

14 January 2014 Chairman's Evening - Brian Pugsley
28 January 2014 Material obtained in 2013 - new acquisitions, whether mounted or not
11 February 2014 Quiz Night - Ray Hook
25 February 2014 The Colour Green (up to 16 sheets)
11 March 2014 Austria: Winter Sports, Franz Joseph and Jubilee Cards - Geoff Richardson
25 March 2014 Informal Competition - Postcards and/or Cinderella (9 or 10 sheets)
8 April 2014 The Items Speak for Themselves (silent displays of up to 16 sheets)
22 April 2014 Malayan Miscellany - Peter Cockburn FRPSL
13 May 2014 Invited Members' Displays - Peter Alford & Alan Kane
27 May 2014 Club Auction
10 June 2014 Club Competition, Open Competition and Bourse
24 June 2014 The Motorcycle - John Hayward
8 July 2014 Faroe Islands - Brian Hague
22 July 2014 Annual General Meeting
12 August 2014 The Number '2' - maximum 10 sheets or 20p
26 August 2014 Exhibitions, Festivals and Carnivals
9 September 2014 Zanzibar - Mel Doyle
23 September 2014 Bourse
14 October 2014 Kings and Queens
28 October 2014 British Levant - Tony Stanford FRPSL
11 November 2014 Cayman Islands - James Podger FRPSL
25 November 2014 Club Auction
9 December 2014 Christmas Social and Seasonal Displays

Copyright © 2016 Wokingham & District Philatelic Society
Webmaster: Mark Bailey
Last Updated: 8 July 2016

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