News Archive: 2011 |
2011 Club & Open Competition
Wokingham are pleased to record the following successes in the club competition.
ADVANCED CLASS 1st Trevor Cornford - Captain Scott's Last Expedition 2nd Eric Holmes - Gibraltar Queen Victoria Issues 3rd John Morgans - Wilding Booklets
POSTAL HISTORY 1st Eric Harris - The SCADTA Service in Ecuador
CLUB COMPETITION 1st Derek Steele - Newfoundland Airmails: Problems and Oddities 2nd David Gerken - Bridges
OPEN COMPETITION 1st Stephen Gardner - Telegraph Stamps of South America 2nd Eric Holmes - Natal Postal Stationery 3rd David Gerken - Working Dogs
Congratulations to everyone. March 2011 News
Thames Valley Philatelic Federation Competition 2011
The Society provided entries to the Thames Valley Philatelic Federation 2011 9-sheet Competition. The results of our members are shown below:
Postal History Class - First - Eric Holmes, Spanish Stamps Used on Gibraltar Mails 1850-1860. Thematic Class - Second - Pam Harwood, Island Lights. Open Class - First - Derek Harwood, Deception Island. Aerophilately Class - First - Derek Steele, Newfoundland Airmails a Miscellany of Problems and Oddities.
Wokingham Society 10 sheet Postcard and Cinderella Competitions held 22 March 2011
The Postcard and Cinderella competitions were initially judged separately by the members on the evening and then an overall winner was decided:
Postcard Competition Winner: Trevor Cornford for Captain Scott's last Antarctic Expedition. Cinderella Competition Winner: Mark Bailey for Strike Mail between Jersey & Paris in 1971 & 1974. Overall Winner: Trevor Cornford - Presented with the Cup.
New Members
We welcome the following new members: Roger Howard, Carl Warren and Mark Bailey
January 2011 News
A thank you to those members who have sent their subscriptions for 2010-11.
Our Meeting in December was well attended and after a worthy display of Christmas items by members an enjoyable chat continued while partaking of the Christmas refreshments supplied by Alwyn Lowe assisted from the kitchen by Rodney Smith.
The following is included for any members who have an interest in Zeppelin mail:
Welcome to the January 2011 eZEP-newsletter, the email information service from the ZEPPELIN STUDY GROUP with the latest on Zeppelin mail and airship memorabilia!
In 1975, Ivo Lukanc published his book on Russian Zeppelin mail (Ivo Lukanc, Zeppelinpost und Luftschiffbriefmarken der UdSSR). But since then, not much was published on Russian Zeppelin mail. A discussion started on dealing with the connection flights of Russian Zeppelin mail on the 1932 and 1933 South America Flights operated by airship LZ-127 GRAF ZEPPELIN. It is interesting to see how many unknown covers and connection flights are hidden in various collections. Most of these covers are not yet listed in the specialized Zeppelin mail catalogues. The whole story including images can be followed at eZEPtalk, the discussion board for Zeppelin mail and airship memorabilia:
- Mussolini's wannabe-Zeppelin - A crazy story about the madness of freak-mechanic Jon Sarriugarte and his contribution for the Burning Man festival in Nevada:,1518,721344,00.html
- The web portal for Zeppelin mail and airship memorabilia: